There are many opportunities for active participation in our Services and activities. Participation in the rosters for these activities is regularly invited and always welcomed and appreciated. Many of our parishioners enjoy the fellowship which involvement in such service to the Parish brings.
All volunteered duties are undertaken on a rostered basis, with interchanges as may become necessary in the event of other commitments. OUR PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council is elected (and for some positions appointed) at the Annual Meeting usually held in November each year. If you are interested in this, please contact the Vicar via email here. ASSISTING AT CHURCH SERVICES A Sacristans sets up the church on a Saturday for the Sunday Services, laying out the vestments and various items used during the following day's Services. Welcomers greet worshipers as they arrive, hand out the pew bulletin, and assist with checking in and seating where required. Servers take part in the Eucharist assisting the Vicar. Training for these duties is available from the Head Server. Readers and Intercessors read the Scriptures (other than the Gospel) and lead the congregation in the 'Prayers of the People'. Sidespersons assist in ushering communicants to the altar rail and help those who may require it. Communion Assistants assist the Vicar with the administration of wine during Holy Communion. Morning Tea Volunteers provide an informal morning tea at the back of the church after our main Sunday Service. If you are interested in helping in any of these roles, please contact our co-ordinator by email here. FLOWER GROUP
We always have wonderful flower displays in the church for our Services created by our flower group. If you enjoy creative flower arranging and would like to help, please email the flower group here. GARDENING CLUB Our gardening club maintains the church grounds and meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 9am. If you enjoy gardening and would like to assist, please email the parish office SUNDAY SUPPERS Volunteers are always needed to help with our Sunday Suppers Welfare Program, which serves a takeaway meal to the struggling people in our area every Sunday at 4.30pm. Some of our volunteers are parishioners, others are from the local community, and several come from outside the area to make their contribution to this well-received service. If you would like to help, please contact our Sunday Suppers co-ordinator via email here. EVENTS Volunteers are needed to help out behind the scenes with our events, perhaps you can assist by being a sociable welcomer to hand out programs or home cook to prepare refreshments? Please contact the events coordinator via email here. HISTORY Are you interested in history or have an eye for research? We are always looking for helpers to assist in researching our Church history. A recent project has been the Parish's links to World War 1 and the parishioners who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested via email here. |